Hi ...

So just how fast do RAAM Riders ride the first Century of RAAM anyway?

Well, here's an example:

Gerry Tatrai, the current RAAM Leader, left Time Station 1 in Beaumont,
California at 5:19 PM and arrived at Time Station 3 in Calipartria, California
at 10:57 PM.  The distance between these two Time Stations is 114 Miles which
he covered in 5:38.  Converting the 114 Miles down to 100 Miles (87%) to make
it a Century yields an estimated Century Time of 4:56!!

Consider the following:

1.  There is no drafting.

2.  It was "hotter than blue blazes" when I left the riders at mile 50 on the
Route at 12 Noon.  And I wasn't even in the desert yet!!

3.  You're in the middle of nowhere and have no one to really pace off because
the riders are already split apart so far.

4.  There are no "Rest Stops" where you can get off the bike and stop the
clock.  The clock doesn't stop.  There are no adjustments for getting off the
bike or mechanical problems or bathroom breaks or anything.  The clock is
relentless and just keeps on ticking.  RAAM is a Full Throttle Individual Time
Trial of 2,906 Miles!!! 

I challenge you to ride a Solo Century in 90+ Degree Heat at those kind of

Oh ...
and don't forget: you need to ride 2,800 Miles Non-Stop after that!!

The point is: RAAM ain't no slow speed Tour!!

Chuck Bramwell

P.S.  I first met Gerry Tatrai on PAC Tour 1990.  We rode from Twenty Nine
Palms to Needles on Day 2 of our Transcontinental -- about 120 Miles.  Gerry
gave the Peloton about a hour head start -- then blew right by all of us --
smoking the 120 Miles non-stop -- and all on TWO WATER BOTTLES!!!  (This was
before Camelbaks were invented.)  

The boys in the Peloton are still talking about that one!!  :)   :) 

He is truly The Wonder from Down Under when he's firing on all cylinders --
which he is obviously doing now!!

And Gerry's not the only one: There were 8 RAAM Riders within 30 Minutes of
Gerry at Time Station 3!!

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